If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the service we provide, please contact our practice manager, Mrs Liz Stewart, who is available Monday to Friday. She is also there to respond to any complaints you may have.
You can contact the surgery with any comments or complaints using the following methods:
Address: Middleton and Dinsdale Medical Practice,
Yarm Road,
Middleton St George,
Telephone: 01325 332022
Email: Nencicb-tv.middleton-dinsdale@nhs.net
If you wish to contact the Practice Manager directly, please email liz.stewart@nhs.net
Please download our patient information leaflet regarding complaints (DOCX, 20KB).
NHS England information on how to give feedback or make a complaint.
We would be grateful if you could fill out our ‘Friends and Family Test’ which is confidential and anonymous, but is used to benefit the practice with new ideas, recommendations and any comments from patients. Please complete the Friends and Family Test form.